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Research from peer reviewed medical journals that have found links between petroleum based chemicals in the home and workplace with increases in adult and child cancer. |
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Leukemia Remission Children: |
New York Times article (9/29/97) discusses recent child cancer increases Scientists suggest modern chemicals primary suspect. |
Introduction to child cancers and chemicals |
Large Increase in Brain
Cancers Found for People Living near Agriculture This 1996 study provides strong evidence demonstrating current chemical farming methods are harming children living close to agriculture areas. |
Living Near Agriculture in California Increases Cancer Rates Children living in homes adjacent to farming areas in McFarland, California had dramatically higher rates of cancer. On one street with 17 homes, five cases were diagnosed. |
Brain Cancer Rates Higher in Rome
Pesticide Applicators A study of 2,310 pesticide applicators finds 2.5 times higher brain cancer rate |
Vitamin K at birth
linked to higher canc A study of 4000 children found higher cancer rates of one type of cancer for infants given Vitamin K. Why other studies did not find a link. |
Brain Cancer
Cluster High rates surround petrochemical plant |
High pesticide
levels found in cancer patients High pesticide levels found in fat tissue - link suggested |
Information Defining neuroblastoma - child cases - links to toxic chemicals in home |
Diet Drinks
Linked to Brain Cancer Why scientists now believe Nutrasweet can contribute to brain cancer |
Applicators Dying of Brain Cancer This is one of several studies showing high brain cancer rates for licensed pesticide applicators |
Brain tumor suspected
from chlordane ingestion Milk consumed during pregnancy contaminated with pesticide suspected in child's tumor |
Brain Cancers & Home Pesticide Use Several home pesticide practices now being shown to increase child cancer rates |
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Linked to Modern Chemicals Similar to leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (called NHL) is a cancer of increased numbers of white blood cells. Strong evidence of NHL being a cancer resulting from chemical exposure is the fact that it is common only in industrialized countries and continues to increase over 2% per year. |
Leukemia Remission only in Children with Higher Immune System Counts Children with leukemia who went into remission were found to have significantly higher levels of natural killer cells than children who did not achieve remission. |
Chemotherapy Conflict of Interest Some cancers have been found not to benefit from administration of powerful chemotherapy agents (i.e. neuroblastoma). If this is true - why is this treatment recommended? This article from the New York Times discusses a serious financial conflict of interest facing oncologists and one that parents should be aware. |
American Brain Tumor
Association Two parents who lost children to brain cancer have formed this large national network providing additional information on brain cancer |
New York Times Article Discusses Rise in Child Cancers The rate of cancer among American children has been rising for decades. Although the
reasons remain unclear, many experts suspect the increase may be partly the result of
growing exposure to new chemicals in the environment.
Article by John H. Cushman, Jr. Introduction to Child
Chemicals and Pesticides The increase in childhood brain tumors and cancers in central east Florida has fortunately begun a more thorough investigation into the elevated brain cancer rates for our area. This is long overdue. As a physician involved in the treatment and research of chemically induced illnesses and immune system toxicology (the study of how chemicals weaken the immune system), I am watching with interest the direction state investigators choose for research I was disturbed by a local newspaper report of a comment made by one state investigator stating there is "no solid base of information to start from." To the contrary, there is currently excellent information available regarding suspected causes of related brain and blood cancers to help point us in the right direction. First, brain cancer has been showing a statistical increase over the past 60 years. Researchers agree this is not just attributable to improved diagnosis. Each year more than 16,000 children and adults in the U.S. are diagnosed with a brain tumor. The brain cancer figures below, from the American Cancer Society, show a disturbing trend in the number of cases being found per 100,000 population: 1940.... 1.95 per 100,000 population These figures showing a steady increase are true for all industrialized countries, and therefore, strongly implicate chemicals used in modern society. The fact that similar increases are occurring in children also point out this is not just an effect among aging Americans. The next question we need to ask is which chemicals have been linked to brain cancers? Identified risk factors for brain cancers now include workers exposed to chemicals used in vinyl and rubber production, as well as an increased risk for workers employed at oil refineries or chemical manufacturing plants. Exposure to chemicals called nitrosamines, such as in cured meats and baby pacifiers, have also been implicated. Another study by the National Cancer Institute of 3,827 Florida Pest Control Operators found they had approximately twice the normal rate of brain cancer. Dr. Jack Leiss and David Savitz reported in the 1995 American Journal of Public Health of several studies showing pesticide exposure increases risks for childhood cancer. This included one study which found over twice the risk of brain cancer for children exposed to household insecticide extermination. Also reported was research by Dr. Ellen Davis of children with brain cancer under 10 years of age. This study found children with brain cancer had 6.2 times greater exposure to certain pesticides. A 1987 study by the University of Southern California found children exposed to home and lawn pesticide use had a 6.5 times increased risk of developing leukemia. One of the strongest links of pesticides causing child cancer comes from research of children developing neuroblastoma after homes were treated with the pesticide chlordane. Researchers at the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration in Washington, D.C. reported of 5 cases of child neuroblastoma which were suspected to have occurred following chlordane treatment in or around the home. In one case, a 3 year 9 month old boy developed neuroblastoma after his family moved into a new home. Two years prior to the child's birth and also when he was two years old, the house was treated for termite infestation with chlordane. This report also discussed other cancers following chlordane treatment, which included 3 cases of aplastic anemia and 3 cases of leukemia. 25 other cases of cancers were reported elsewhere following chlordane home exposure. Many of these cases have moved into litigation. Another study appearing in the 1981 journal CANCER, detected high levels of chlordane in 13 children with cancer. Researchers have stated that chlordane is a high risk chemical for brain cancer because it is a fat soluble compound and therefore has the potential to accumulate in the brain. In regards to the so called safety tests conducted by chemical companies on pesticides, there is unfortunately no consideration given to the fact that the developing fetus has been reported to be 50 times more vulnerable to the harm of cancer causing chemicals. Also, the EPA does not take into account that a newborn child does not develop an efficient blood brain barrier until at least one year after birth. The blood brain barrier functions to keep toxic substances out of the brain and is believed to be the reason why epilepsy is shown to be an increased risk factor for developing brain cancer, as epileptic patients have been found to have lower blood brain barrier function. One reason scientists are still extremely concerned about chlordane is the fact that although its use was stopped in the U.S. in April of 1988, chlordane is such an extremely persistent pesticide that it is still being detected in the air of homes today. In fact, tests of over 1000 homes performed by the U.S. Air Force and other agencies have found that approximately 75% of all homes built before 1988 show air contamination of the pesticide chlordane and that 6-7% are suspected of being over the maximum safe levels set by the National Academy of Sciences. This is such a large number of homes that toxicologist Dr. Samuel Epstein stated in a major medical journal that, "A national program for monitoring all homes treated is urgently needed to detect persistent contamination." Dr. David Cassidy, a chlordane research toxicologist in Texas, stated that the chlordane contamination problem is of such magnitude nationally that it is, "causing more harm than that caused by cigarette smoking." This is a very strong statement, but one that I certainly agree and brings to reality the magnitude of the problem. Next we need to look at the research explaining how and why pesticides can be increasing the risk of child cancers. The explanations now show that pesticides are able to cause at least two biological changes in the body that enable cancer to grow.
Regarding children with neuroblastoma, there have been several studies done finding these children frequently have damage to the end of what is called "chromosome number 1." Scientists believe this part of the chromosome may be responsible for suppressing tumor growth or controlling cell growth. This genetic damage is not observed in other cells in these children. Children with neuroblastoma are also being found to have defects in the part of their immune system which removes cancer from the body. For example, it was found by researchers at the University of Hamburg, Germany, that the blood of healthy people contain higher numbers of antibodies called IgM, which seek out and destroy neuroblastoma cells. However, in a test of 11 people with neuroblastoma, none had properly working IgM antibodies. Other parts of the immune system which have been found to attack neuroblastoma and cancer cells are our cells called natural killer cells and macrophages. In studies of macrophages and cancer, conducted by the Department of Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, it was found that exposure to chlordane literally paralyzed the ability of macrophages to search and destroy cancer cells. Certainly, this raises legitimate questions to the role of chlordane and other pesticides in and around homes of children with cancer. It is also of concern, that the two counties showing the highest rates of childhood cancer in Florida, St. Lucie and Indian River, are the same two counties with the highest proportion of the acreage devoted to growing citrus. Although there are many chemicals a child can be exposed to which can damage his/her chromosome structure, we need to first investigate chemicals the child may have been exposed to on a repeated basis. Therefore, our researchers must look at pesticides which may have been applied inside or around the homes (such as chlordane) as well as pesticides that may have been used in agriculture in the nearby area. If you have a child with any form of cancer please help us identify the main environmental causes of this illness (many of which are often overlooked) by completing the survey form before you leave our web site by clicking on the link - Child Cancer Survey Form. Thank you - Wayne Sinclair, M.D. Gliosarcoma Appears in Newborn -
Pesticide Suspected A 7 week old boy, was admitted to the Arkansas Children's Hospital because of vomiting and a dramatic increase in head size. During the mother's pregnancy, she was stated as being extremely cautious about her nutrition and personal habits. She did not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco and had no known exposure to toxins in her work environment as a store clerk. She did, however, begin drinking more than one-half gallon of milk a day during pregnancy and continued drinking milk after delivery. It was later reported that the milk products she was drinking from her local dairy contained unacceptably high levels of the pesticide heptachlor due to feeding of livestock with heptachlor contaminated feed. Heptachlor is a primary ingredient in the pesticide chlordane and has been used in agriculture and as a termite treatment for homes. After entering the hospital at 7 weeks of age, her child was diagnosed with a gliosarcoma brain tumor. Family members have shown no incidence of brain tumors so hereditary factors were ruled out. Genetic mutations were detected in the cancer cells but not in other cells of the child's body. The researchers stated these chromosome abnormalities are detected in about 50% of all gliosarcomas and that heptachlor has tested positive for mutagenic properties. The researchers also quoted another study appearing in the journal CANCER, 48:774, 1981, which found high levels of chlordane and heptachlor in the blood of 13 childhood cancer cases. William Chadduck, M.D., Susanne Gollin, Ph.D., Brian Gray,
M.S., James Norris, Ph.D. Brain Cancer Cluster Surrounds Petrochemical Plant An unusually high number of bone, bladder and brain cancers were found to be occurring among children living in a residential area near 3 petrochemical plants between 1981 and 1990. The children ranged in age from 0-19 years. Upon reviewing 28 death certificates of these three types of cancers, 27 of the children lived within 2-3 kilometers (approx. 1.0-2.0 miles) from the chemical plants. According to the pollution reports compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of China, nine serious air pollution events occurred in these chemical plant districts which released the chemicals vinyl chloride and acrylonitrile. Other chemical sources from the plants included polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and well-water contamination with the chemical phenol, which was found far over government safety guidelines. Drs. Bi Jen Pan, Yu Jue Hong, Gwo Chin Chang,
Ming Tsan Wang Cancer Patients found to have Higher Pesticide Residues SOURCE: Environmental Research, 23:257-263, 1980 Twenty-seven patients who died from cancer were found to have significantly higher levels of pesticides in their fat tissues in comparison to forty-four people who died from other illnesses. Researchers at the School of Medicine, Odense University, Denmark, surveyed a total of 71 people who died either from cancer or from another illness. Samples of fat tissue were removed from the abdomen of each deceased individual. Investigators then analyzed the fat tissue to determine the levels of chlorinated chemicals DDE and PCB's. DDE is the break-down product of the pesticide DDT which is still used today on foreign grown produce and in orange and grapefruit production as a by-product in the pesticide "KELTHANE." PCB's are still found in older fluorescent light fixtures and as a coolant in common power transformers seen on telephone poles. Significant releases of PCB exposure can occur in older schools and offices which still have their power transformers inside the building (a common practice at one time) and can occur after lightning strikes on outdoor power transformers or as leaks occur on older transformers. Of significant concern, although PCB's have been banned, they were used in window caulking and concrete block & brick mortar mixes (as a plasticizer) prior to 1980. Therefore, any home built before this date could release significant levels of PCB's. Also, recently, the EPA has published reports showing PCB's are inadvertently produced during the manufacture of paints - especially paints containing yellow (and orange to a lesser degree). Because of the large surface areas of paints - this could be a serious problem. After comparing both individuals who died of cancer and those who died of other illnesses, it was found that cancer patients had approximately twice the levels of PCB's in their bodies as people dying of other illnesses.The table below details specific findings: |
Pesticide & Chemical
Body Levels in Persons Dying of Cancer in Comparison to Those
Dying of a Non-Cancer Illness
As can be seen, comparing any identical color
column between those who died of cancer and those who died of another
illness shows what researchers state are "significantly higher levels of
pesticide residues" in the cancer death individuals. For example, the
average DDE levels in the fat tissues of females dying of cancer for all
ages is 5.026 ppm (column 3), whereas, the DDE levels in females dying of an
illness other than cancer was only 2.138 ppm (column 4). This same pattern
can be seen for each age category which is certainly suggestive of at least
being a contributing factor. It is interesting to note the drastic increase
in pesticide male DDE levels of approximately 5 times above the normal
non-cancer levels for the over age 75 category (columns 1 & 2). The following table shows the levels of DDE (breakdown product of DDT) and PCB's found in persons with specific cancers. When viewing the table below note how the DDE levels found in persons with the brain tumor glioblastoma are 2.5 times higher than the non-cancer patients and nearly 4 times higher in persons dying of lymphosarcoma. For
comparison, DDE levels in persons
In conclusion, the researchers stated, "A significantly higher content of PCB's and DDE in the extracted lipids (fat) of subcutaneous abdominal fat from terminal patients with cancer, than that of presumably non cancerous patients, was found." Niels K. Jensen, M.D., Gunnar Nordberg, M.D. CHEM-TOX COMMENTS: SOURCES OF DDE & PCB'S There are two ways that the elevated chemical levels found in cancer patients may be contributing to their disease: 1. By contributing to the damage of the genes involved in controlling cell growth (since cancer is the result of an "uncontrolled growth of cells," and... 2. By weakening the immune system of the individual, thereby allowing the cancer to grow faster than the body's ability to remove it via cancer fighting immune cells. Keep in mind that these chemicals themselves may or may not be the direct cause of the cancer, as there may be other chemicals or circumstances that may have gradually contributed to the weakening of the individual's genetic structure. However, elevated levels of these chemicals could accelerate the onset or growth of any cancer by either of the above two mentioned mechanisms. Exposure to the DDT breakdown product DDE can come from a number of sources including commercially grown food (for example - 19% of standard chemically-grown lettuce contains DDT according to Florida Department of Agriculture figures, as DDT is still used in much of foreign grown produce). Another exposure source could come from living near a citrus grove, as the controversial pesticide Kelthane (which contains DDT as an unintentional by-product) is still "inexcusably" used today in orange and grapefruit groves. Even homes built prior to 1975 could have been treated with DDT for common insect/pest control. Without question, this study is one of the strongest completed to date to suggest a direct or indirect relationship of petroleum based chemical exposure and subsequent development of cancer. BACK TO TOP |